Generating 3D objects – Part 2

Model of Vespa being captured with 123d Catch

It’s been a year since we described how to create an accurate 3D models  by using ReconstructMe. A lot of things have changed in our little shop, and we reflected a bit on the work we created for the past 3 years. The use of Augmented Reality has expanded, and AR entered mainstream. Tonight I googled “Augmented reality in Education”, and I ended up reviewing over 30 search result pages of AR projects, articles and presentations on this subject. Amazing stuff.

We are planing to publish several new projects that are compatible with mobile devices and Google glass. We are now switching to Metaio SDK which will allow us to develop AR projects on mobile devices as well as on the PC platform. We will keep you updated.

Back to the topic of 3D scanning and 3D modeling. The latest app that comes pretty close to streamlining 3D model generation is Autodesk’s 123D Capture. If you are not familiar with this tool, 123D Capture will let you take multiple images (up to 40 on mobile app, up to 70 on PC) of an object you wish to turn into a 3D model,  and then convert them into a textured 3D model. Conversion is actually done on Autodesk’s servers, since the application uploads the images to Autodesk’s servers for processing. Depending on the server load, it takes around 5-10 minutes for model to be generated, and what comes back is a fairly accurate (80% complete) 3D model. If you perfect the process, you can create 3D models fairly rapidly. You can judge results by yourself:

We are really impressed with the final results, and will be using this tool in our upcoming projects. Meanwhile, check out this intro tutorial on 123D Catch:

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